Saturday, January 14, 2012

Is Being Natural a Fad???

Now this goes out to All my natural sistas so let me know if you agree or disagree! I myself being natural have only lived this lifestyle for a year but for me there is no going back. There is not a thought in my mind that says oh well I will perm my hair again one day. It's just not an option for me! Now to each his own I'm not one to judge but I am just sick of people saying little snide comments about being natural! For example: Hmmmm I guess everyone is going natural these days, Or, I guess that's what's in now, or being natural is just a FAD it will pass eventually!

These little comments really get under my skin because my hair choice is not some thunder storm just passing through town! It is a life style choice that I have made for years to come. Now don't get me wrong some people get weak and go back to the creamy crack and that's OK! Everyone has a prerogative to do whatever it is they think is best for their hair but these JUDGEMENTAL comments have got to go!!!!

There are those who jump into being natural without learning all the facts or the work that goes into maintaining their natural hair but that is more of the minority and Not the majority so people should really learn to keep their comments to themselves or behind closed doors! However I know that is just too much to ask but there is always hope right???? For those who are natural or not please let me know what you think!

Monday, January 9, 2012

So I am 1 year natural!

Ok, here I am 1 year later as a curly girl but I have something I didn't have last year......And that is HAIR!!!! And a head full of it!!! Who would have thought that last year on January the 1st 2011 I would have been making one of the best decisions of my life! I am here to say that I am happy and I have no regrets!!! Well.....maybe one and that is not doing this sooner! My hair breaking off all of those years was literally screaming at me!!! Natural Please! Loose the chemicals lady! But did I listen??? NO! But it is better late than never!!!! I will say that I am free to be me and it feels good!